"I would want to encourage Methodist Churches up and down the country to consider registering to help to build a network of communities where prison leavers can continue their Christian faith journey."
"There are many prisoners who, on release, seek an understanding and accepting community that they can join for worship. I wholeheartedly commend this initiative to you."
"We urge your mosque to help in this initiative to support faith institutions to become places where people who leave prison, are also welcome. Please do take benefit from these services and help us create a society in which everyone has a place to belong."
Bishop Donald warmly commends The Welcome Directory and encourages parishes to consider being a part of it.
"For Sikh prison leavers, finding a supportive Gurdwara to welcome them can be challenging, due to fear of rejection and stigmas. When prison leavers successfully join a faith community, it can make a significant difference to their chances of re-offending and settling well into the community."
27 Tavistock Square, London. WC1H 9HH
07538 129347
Registered charity 1169014
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