Community chaplaincy projects support over 2,000 people affected by the criminal justice system every year. They may offer mentoring to prisoners on release, provide accommodation, employment or other support, or work with prisoner’s families. They seek to build embracing communities and contribute to a safer, healthier society for all. The Community Chaplaincy Association is the infrastructure organiser for these projects, promoting best practice and representing them nationally at strategic level.
HM Prison and Probation Services Chaplaincy (HMPPS) exists to preventvictims by changing lives. It works with its partners to carry out the sentences given by the courts, either in custody or the community. It reduces reoffending by rehabilitating the people in its care through education and employment. The agency is made up of Her Majesty’s Prison Service, the National Probation Service and a headquarters focused on creating tools and learning. HMPPS Chaplaincy and Faith Services works with and supports Prison Chaplains who represent a wide range of faith and belief systems including, Bahá’í. Buddhist, Christian, Hindu, Humanist, Jain, Jehovah’s Witness, Jewish, Muslim, Pagan, Rastafarian, Sikh, Spiritualist and Zoroastrian traditions.
The Free Churches Group is an ecumenical association of Free Church denominations and Church groups. The Free Churches Group is engaged in public ministry, enabling member organisations to meet their calling in the public square by providing national chaplaincy support in the fields of healthcare and prisons, and providing support and resources to equip them in their engagement with education in schools, colleges and universities.
Prisons Week is a week of prayer, supported by all the major Church denominations and the leading Christian organisations in the sector. Prisons Week commences on the second Sunday in October every year. It has prepared prayer literature for the Christian community for over forty years to use as they pray for the needs of all those affected by prisons: prisoners and victims, their families, their communities, those working and volunteering in prisons and the criminal justice system.
27 Tavistock Square, London. WC1H 9HH
07538 129347
Registered charity 1169014
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