
Register your Faith Community

Registering with The Welcome Directory allows faith communities to identify their willingness to welcome and appropriately support prison leavers. Watch our video 'Beyond The Prison Gates' to see the difference that faith communities can make to individuals leaving prison when they are welcoming, accepting and safe. 

You can be part of the solution too. 

Building a network of welcoming faith communities will ensure that....

  • People leaving prison have a better chance of staying out due to the practical support they receive as they continue their faith journey
  • Prison Chaplains will be able to respond positively about supportive communities in their home area to people they go to see people on their discharge visits  
  • Probation and other agencies can see where people they are responsible for can expect appropriate care and responsible support.  
  • Faith communities will see themselves as part of a growing movement for change that says to everyone in society - people leaving prison need welcome and we are here to give it.

Watch our animated video here to learn more about how The Welcome Directory works. 


registration requirements

The Welcome Directory has four key requirements - the 4 'Ps' - for those wishing to register

1. A Safeguarding Policy that promotes an active safeguarding culture within your faith community. This should mean that the policy is happening in practice as well as on paper.

 2. Permission from a senior faith leader (or multiple faith leaders) depending on the structure of your faith community.  

 3. A point of contact, also known as a 'Champion' . This is someone who has a passion for the project and who is happy to be the main point of contact for prison leavers wishing to connect. 

 4. Prior experience with this kind of work, perhaps through working or volunteering in a prison or even helping with a local food bank or community project. 

 Please note that for those without prior experience, we offer a 3 session Prison Awareness Course involving experienced prison and community chaplains to learn about life in prison, imprisonment, and life after release. 

If you can say yes to the four questions above, then you can register your faith community.

If you are unsure about anything or have answered 'no' to one or more question, then contact us so that we can help you via [email protected].

Our full approvals flowchart can be viewed or downloaded here, and you are welcome to review our Data Protection Policy here


[email protected]

27 Tavistock Square, London. WC1H 9HH

07538 129347

Registered charity 1169014

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